Women in Logistics – Taking the Conversation to a New Level

The topics that will inevitably dominate the discussions at the event will evolve around establishing the business case for diversity, female representation in the Supply Chain and Logistics industry, and networking as a career progression vehicle.
I will continue to engage with you beyond the Female Leaders event to share insights on the topic of diversity.
Diversity – a Recipe for Business Success
The Logistics industry needs to evolve constantly to accommodate the rapidly changing global business context. Innovativeness and agility are essential to secure competitiveness. Diversity in backgrounds, gender, cultures, perspectives, and experiences is a fundamental requirement for business innovation and improved performance on all fronts. Despite the significant value it creates, diversity does not always get the attention it deserves. I strongly believe that it is the task of business leaders to bring a healthy mix to the fore. One effective way of achieving this, is to formulate diversity targets within the organization and align the recruitment process to meet these objectives.
The Gender Gap in the Logistics Sector
Throughout my career in the Supply Chain and Logistics sector, I have witnessed an increase in gender diversity, but women continue to be underrepresented. Currently, women make up 35% of the supply chain workforce but are confined to 5% of the leadership pool*. These numbers confirm the urgent need for purposeful diversity strategies to address the gender gap in this industry. Career progression opportunities for women in Supply Chain and Logistics need to be visible, accessible and fostered.
Empowerment Through Networking
This recruitment event is a typical example of how to attract female talent. It provides a unique opportunity for young female professionals to engage, build, and nurture working relationships with their peers.
Networking fuels personal and professional growth. However, it seems more challenging for women to effectively build and leverage professional networks. Part of the commitment to improve gender diversity in the Supply Chain and Logistics industry is to provide dynamic and ongoing networking platforms for women to interact.
Moreover, young female professionals need to master networking skills and invest in meaningful professional connections. Today’s workshop on self-awareness, is an important building block to enable them to do just that!
Evolving the Conversation
The DHL Consulting Female Leader event is a platform promoting the proactive integration and further development of women in our industry. Beyond this forum, I intent to evolve this conversation on the critical topic of – gender – diversity. I will share my personal take on how to best cultivate diversity in your organization in an upcoming publication.
Enter the conversation on my blog and/or LinkedIn Account and be part of debating the future of recruiting. I am very eager to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences on the topic.
* Find these and more statistics on women in the supply chain sector here.